Our Values

The guiding principles that shape our decisions

Intentional & Commited

Deeply rooted in purpose, Babiclo strives to contribute and impact the children's fashion industry by setting exceptional standards of quality, both in terms of material and production, and entire supply chain. We believe in the power of giving back and reaching out to vulnerable communities and children in need through charitable actions, purposeful consumerism, sincere initiatives and raising awareness.

Mindfully Designed

Each beautiful piece from Babiclo is carefully designed, sewn, and quality checked by our dedicated team in Portugal. Our products are designed to look and feel cozy, gentle, and yet durable. We are passionate about designing perfectly adaptive and inclusive pieces that are responsive to the baby's growing needs, developing activities, and changing environments.


By having a transparent business model, we empower our customers, business partners, and industry to gain access to important details regarding the products we deliver, the true cost, the advocacies we support, and the values we promote. We commit to honesty with our materials, origins, factory procedures, the overall supply chain, pricing as well as our charitable causes and initiatives.


Our products are designed with the next use in mind by ensuring they can last as long as possible, using high-quality renewable or recyclable fibres made in a safe and non-toxic manner, considering each garment's end of useful life and how it can be returned safely to the biosphere — promoting a circular economy model.